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FC Přední Kopanina
Ke Goniu 123, 164 00 Praha 6

Kontakt: Tomáš Cigánek
Telefon: +420 777 753 545
Email: tomas.ciganek@fcpk.cz

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 FK Meteor Praha VIII 6-3Mladší žáci B (U12) 
 Mladší žáci B prohráli se suverénem soutěže Meteorem
Datum a čas:05.11.2016 14:00  |  Poločas: 3 : 1  |  Tým: Mladší žáci B (U12)
Góly:25. Segre P. (1:1, as. Percifull), 40. Weichel z pen. (4:2), 50. Ofer (3:5, as. Zoubek)
Střelci FCPK:
Sestava:Zoubek, Řešátko S., Dasbach, Monteiro, Ofer, Segre P., Weichel, Percifull, Moglinicki, Laštovka (K), Brewer. Trenéři: Monteiro & Sellers.
Bedřichovská - V 9. kole své soutěže nestačili mladší žáci B na nejlepší tým této skupiny. S Meteorem prohráli 3:6. V utkání se třikrát dostali na dostřel dvou branek, ale více nezvládli. Týmu chybělo v tak těžkém zápase několik opor (zejména Duun a Sellers) a inkasoval laciné branky. Více anglický komentář našich trenérů.

5m 0-1 Meteor - FCPK fall behind as a shot deflects off a defender past Zoubek.

25m 1-1 Segre P (assist Percifull). Meteor dominated the opening 20 minutes before FCPK settled and started playing football. A corner from Monteiro was controlled by Percifull who passed the ball back to Paolo Segre who chipped the ball over the goalkeeper.

30m 1-2 Meteor - FCPK had 3 attempts to clear the ball but didnt and Meteor took advantage with a good finish past Zoubek.

32m 1-3 Meteor - At this stage FCPK were panicking in defence and another mistake led to Meteor adding a third goal before halftime.

Half-Time: Meteor Praha 3-1 FCPK MZ B

37m 1-4 Meteor - Early in the second half FCPK gifted Meteor another goal when a misplaced pass went to the Meteor centre forward who slipped the ball into the net.

40m 2-4 Weichel (penalty) - Following a a superb move involving Weichel, Monteiro and Resatko, the ball found its way to Brewer who skilfully beat his man before being hackded don in the penalty box. Weichel cooly scored the resultant penalty.

45m 2-5 Meteor - A superb free kick from 25 metres was smashed into the top corner leaving Zoubek in FCPKs goal no chance.

50m - 3-5 Ofer (assist Zoubek) - A long throw by Zoubek was controlled on the half way line by Ofer who skilfully beat his marker and ran the full half of the pitch before cooly beating the goalkeeper.

52m - 3-6 Meteor - Another misplaced pass went straight to the Meteor centre forward who again scored to wrap up the victory for Meteor.

Full time: Meteor Praha 6-3 FCPK MZ B


Man of the Match: Dasbach and Weichel: It was impossible to separate these two players who both played with cool heads when they had the ball and hustled and tackled ferociously when Meteor had the ball. Berend is a full year younger than the rest of the team but plays with passion and courage that is an example for his teammates. Jonas is a new player to the team this season but has started his FCPK career very positively.


Iain Sellers (coach): The boys learned a good lesson today about showing too much respect to good teams. We made some uncharacteristic mistakes in defence when under pressure which gifted Meteor 3 goals and we forgot for large parts of the match to play football on the ground like we know that we can. Meteor are top of the league because they are a good team who play nice passing possession football so it was always going to be a tough game. If we had more belief in ourselves then we would have competed for the whole game and not just parts of it. At times the boys played some great football and scored 3 really nice goals.It was a good effort overall.

Rozhodčí:Marek Řehák
Soupeř na webu:http://www.fkmeteorpraha.cz/cs/home-page 

Další informace k zápasu

Hráli (zápis)Realizační tým 

HráčMGG (min)AKBZNŽKČK Střídal
Brewer Matthew70- ---    
Dasbach Berend70- ---    
Laštovka Václav70- ---    
Mogilnicki Krystian70- ---    
Monteiro Dylan70- ---    
Ofer Michael70150. -1-    
Percifull Austen70- 11-    
Segre Paolo70125. -1-    
Weichel Jonas70140. -1-    
Zoubek Vojtěch70- 11-    
M=odehrané minuty, G=góly, A=asistence, KB=kanadské bodování, ZN=známka/hodnocení, ŽK=žluté karty, ČK=červená karta