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FC Přední Kopanina
Ke Goniu 123, 164 00 Praha 6

Kontakt: Tomáš Cigánek
Telefon: +420 777 753 545
Email: tomas.ciganek@fcpk.cz

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 SK Aritma Praha D3-8Mladší žáci B (U12) 
 Mladší žáci B si poradili s Aritmou. Neal dal pět branek.
Datum a čas:19.04.2017 16:30  |  Poločas: 1 : 4  |  Tým: Mladší žáci B (U12)
Góly:Goals: Neale 5, Moglinicki, Weichel, Own Goal Assists: Duun, Neale, Sellers
Střelci FCPK:
Góly-soupeř:Hawkins, Fedonin, Stuchlík
Sestava:1 Zoubek, 2 Giordo, 4 Monteiro, 5 Moglinicki, 6 Neale, 7 Sellers (k), 8 Chrobok, 9 Duun, 10 Weichel, 11 Smiley, 12 Alsterlind, 14 Percifull, 16 Brewer. Coach: Iain Sellers, Paul Monteiro.
Sestava-soupeř:Radhi - Máca, Beneda, Stuchlík, Procio (K), Chvátal, Janál, Šebek, Hawkins, Fedonin. Trenér: Jozef Dragošek.
Vokovice - Pět branek Neala rozhodlo zápas na Aritmě. Kopanina rozstřílela vokovický tým na jeho hřišti vysoko 8:3 a Neale byl vyhlášen hráčem zápasu. Expat tým zahájil úspěšně svou cestu dosáhnout na konci soutěže na druhé místo za suverénním Meteorem. Níže komentář kouče Iain Sellers v plném znění bez překladu.

4m 0-1 Aritma - The bottom club started strongly and quickly took the lead with a nice three man move that was finished well.

25m 1-1 Own Goal (Neale cross) - It took FCPK about 20 minutes to wake up and start playing football. Once they did it was one way traffic until half-time and a superb move involving half the team ended with a goal after Neales cross was put into his own goal by an Aritma defender. 

29m 2-1 Neale (assist Sellers) - FCPK went in front when a pin point Sellers free kick was powerfully headed past the Aritma goalkeeper by Neale. 

32m 3-1 Moglinicki - FCPK were all over Aritma at this point and when Duun had a fierce shot well saved, Moglinicki was on hand to calmly score and further increase FCPKs lead.

34m 4-1 Neale - Aritma could not clear the ball and a looping clearance was headed in by Neale who also took a punch in the face from the Aritma goalkeeper at the same time.




40m 4-2 Aritma - FCPK started the second half lazily like the first half and were punished after 5 minutes when Aritma scored.

42m 5-2 Neale - FCPKs lead was increased when a superb bit of solo skill by Neale was finished by a 25m shot into the top corner of the Aritma goal.

50m 5-3 Aritma - More sloppy defending by FCPK saw Aritma score ounce again against the run of play. 

60m 6-3 Neale - Another solo run and good finish by Neale. 

62m 7-3 Neale - Neale scored his fifth goal of the game (for the second game running) after taking advantage of some uncertain defending by Aritma. This was another long range effort into the top corner of the goal. 

66m 8-3 Weichel (assist Duun) - Duun rolled a corner across the Aritma goalmouth for Weichel to cooly finish.




MAN OF THE MATCH: Neale – Phillip was the difference between the two teams tonight. His energetic running, silky skills and superb finishing were an inspiration once again to his team mates.

Iain Sellers (Coach): A second win and scoring eight goals again to start the Spring season is very pleasing. However, after a superb performance in the last game against Slivenec, the boys looked tired and sloppy tonight. Maybe they had looked at the league table before the game and didnt think they would have to work very hard to beat bottom team Aritma. They looked shocked to be trailing in the game after 25 minutes. Credit to them all though for working hard after that first 25 minutes and winning comfortable in the end. 

Žluté karty:
Červené karty:
Soupeř na webu:www.aritma.cz 

Další informace k zápasu

Hráli (zápis)Realizační tým 

Monteiro Paul
Sellers Iain